
Are aliens draining our solar energy?

Are aliens draining our solar energy?

Are aliens draining our solar energy? Images of monster UFOs circling Sun emerge

ALIENS are harvesting energy from the Sun, it has been claimed after two images emerged showing inexplicable monster objects circling our star.

PUBLISHED: 13:41, Tue, Nov 29, 2016 | UPDATED: 13:58, Tue, Nov 29, 2016

The UFO hunter behind YouTube channel Streetcap1 first floated the theory after seeing a strange object with a line of "plasma" running directly from the Sun in NASA telescopic images of the solar surface.

The channel posted a video to YouTube entitled ‘Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy?’

In a promotional blurb for the video the question was posed: "The fact that the UFO is a different color and shape to the rest of the connected line is what convinced me to upload this.

"I was not a great believer in this plasma sun energy theory, but this has got me thinking."

UFO blogger Scott C Waring picked up on the video.

The 'UFO' seen by Streetcap1 which may be draining the sun.
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He said: "This UFO shot out of the sun yesterday but was seen by Streetcap1 of Youtube.

"The UFO may have been using the suns energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it's leaving at high speed.

"Notice that the UFO is a glowing white, but the sun's plasma is a yellow. This tells us the craft is made from a different material than the sun's surface."

Later, Mr Waring posted his own Nasa image, taken by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), a spacecraft with telescopic camera sent to image the sun and beam back high detail images, of what he described as huge UFOs orbiting the sun.

In a blog on his website ufosightingsdaily.com, entitled ‘Hundreds of Giant UFOs Orbiting Our Sun, NASA/SOHO Images Confirm’, he suggested the UFOs were as big as Earth in some cases.

He wrote: "While looking over some SOHO images I decided to enlarge some of the UFOs in the photo.

'UFOs' seen by Scott C Waring in NASA SOHO images of the sun.

source: https://www.express.co.uk/news/w ... -UFOs-Sun-NASA-SOHO
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