


作者:翻译/阿胖    信息来源:番茄小屋





(1)堪萨斯州,David Potter







David Potter, Kansas
I suppose there are several reasons [why] I became vegetarian. Even as a small child, I was an animal lover. I had always loved watching the birds in my backyard and enjoyed going to nearby parks to see the ducks, geese, squirrels, and my other small friends. My love for animals continued to grow throughout my childhood; however, I continued eating meat.

I was always horrified when I saw undercover videos from slaughterhouses (frequently [videotaped] by our friends in PETA) in investigative reports on TV, yet for a long time I simply tried to put horrific images and thoughts such as these out of my head merely for the convenience of maintaining my “normal” (albeit inhumane and unhealthy) diet.

Then, at 14, it became too much. I came to realize that meat and other animal products were to blame for the vast majority of humanity’s health concerns. On top of this, I began to see frightened, innocent cows, chickens, and pigs where I once had seen hamburgers, wings, and bacon. I realized these items were not food—they were sentient beings with parents, families, emotions, and rights.

These realizations led me to put down the fork when meat was on the table. I quickly learned that, contrary to popular belief, conversion to a vegetarian diet was neither difficult nor a blow to the taste buds. I went to my local health food store and found a bountiful selection of delicious vegetarian foods, including wonderful imitation products for the meat dishes I had abandoned. It felt great to enjoy a “hot dog” without harming the environment or ingesting another living creature.

A few years later, I turned my focus to another element of my diet: eggs and dairy [products]. I was very happy with my decision to go vegetarian and began to wonder if these animal byproducts were really an acceptable component to a cruelty-free lifestyle. I decided to do some research and soon learned about PETA.

At a local show, I picked up a pamphlet from PETA and was horrified to learn of the conditions to which these “byproduct” animals were exposed. Chickens with their beaks seared off and cows milked to death were just the beginning. After learning more at www.peta.org, I made the decision to go vegan—and never looked back.

Now, at the age of 21, I am as healthy and happy as ever. My vegan diet, along with daily exercise, has put me in the best athletic shape of my life. My blood pressure and cholesterol are low, I have more energy than ever before, and I can go to bed each night knowing that I live my life without harming my compatriots here on Earth. After all, we’re ALL in this life together. I hope with the help of people like those at PETA, we can all make our planet a more humane, compassionate home for all its residents, both human and nonhuman.
(2)德州,Laurette Timms

 多年来我在吃素的路上,进进出出,只因为我不很喜欢吃肉。后来在芝加哥市树屋避难所(Tree House shelter)当兽医助手照顾病猫时,我远离了吃牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉与火鸡肉。我只是开始想如果猫有感觉的话,那么,牛、猪、鸡与火鸡也应当有感觉,因此就不想再吃牠们了。接着,我看到一条鱼在水霸上跳动,于是我想牠们也不会很舒服才是。2003年4月在德州大学听Garyv Yourofsky(PETA)的一次演讲后,我从一般素改成纯素,我先生则从一位肉食者成为一位吃纯素的素食者。从播放的影片上,我们真实的看到农场动物为了成为一片鲜美的肉味所遭受到的痛苦。当我们知道牛肉制品业的暴行之后,我们说,够了,够了,把起司抛掉,改买豆浆吧。
  我们觉得我们可以与其他上百万的素食者发表一大篇声明,不让一个靠动物受苦来换取利益的工业获得任何一毛钱。市面有可口的仿肉、豆浆、蛋替代品,与便宜的合成鞋。也有不含牛奶成份的冰淇淋,所以我们有足够的东西了。在Wal-Mart或Kroger等超市,我们可以买到许多东西。此外,我们也可以开车到Whole Foods或Central Market买东西。

  素食产品比以往更普遍了,整个大肉类与奶制品工业也在关注当中。Dean Foods买下了Silk soy milk公司。ConAgra,Kraft,与Kellogg也买下了仿肉制造公司。甚至Burger King也卖起素汉堡。麦当劳正在加州测试素汉堡的销售市场。Denny有素汉堡,Pizza Hut也在印地安纳州的Ft. Wayne测试黄豆起司披萨。


Laurette Timms, Texas
I was a vegetarian on and off for years, because I just didn’t like meat that much. I went off beef, pork, chicken, and turkey permanently, while working with sick cats as a vet assistant at Tree House shelter in Chicago. I just started thinking that if cats had feelings, so [did] cows, pigs, chickens, and turkeys, etc., and I just didn’t want to eat them anymore.Then, I saw a fish flopping around on Survivor and thought it just can’t be too comfortable for him either. I went from vegetarian to vegan, and my husband went from meat-eater to vegan, when we attended a lecture by Gary Yourofsky (PETA) at the University of Texas in March 2003. We actually saw, on film, the way farm animals suffer, just for a tasty piece of meat. When we heard about the atrocities of the dairy industry, we said enough is enough, threw out the cheese, and bought soy milk.

We feel we can make a big statement, along with millions of other vegetarians, by not giving one dime to an industry that profits from animal suffering. There’s tasty fake meat, soy milk, egg replacer, and Payless synthetic shoes. There is also nondairy ice cream out there, so we’re all set. We can get a lot of stuff at Wal-Mart or Kroger. Otherwise, it’s a trip to Whole Foods or Central Market.

Vegetarian products are more commonplace than ever, and the big meat and dairy corporations are actually taking notice. Dean Foods has bought Silk soy milk. ConAgra, Kraft, and Kellogg’s have bought fake meat companies. Even Burger King has a veggie burger. McDonald’s is test marketing a veggie burger in California, Denny’s has a veggie burger, and Pizza Hut is test marketing soy cheese pizza in Ft. Wayne, Indiana.

Money talks. And we plan on letting ours talk for animals.
(3)路易斯安那州,Jacklyn Tejada

 在一次阅读线上新闻时,我选读了一篇关于影星帕米拉•安德森(Pamela Anderson)反肯德基炸鸡的报导。文章中连结到http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com/一个介绍肯德基残酷对待鸡只的网站,这对我起了作用。从一个网站接着一个网站。在这网站上停留大约三秒之后,我就下了决定。我感到罪过的是,在我可怕又沉重的内心底,我知道我是造成这些鸡只被屠宰的原兇之一。除此之外,我对于因为不知道这些讯息,而没去看待这件事,感到生气。我想一般人很难理解,电视广告上鼓励人们喝牛奶及吃果冻的背后意义究竟是怎么一回事。



Jacklyn Tejada, Louisiana
I was reading the news online, and I clicked on the story about Pamela Anderson being against KFC. In the story was a link to KFCCruelty.com, and that did it for me!! One site led to the next and the next. It took maybe three seconds on KFCCruelty.com for me to make my decision!! The guilt that I felt, that awful heavy feeling inside of me knowing that I contributed to the slaughtering of these poor animals. ... On top of it all, I was angry at myself for not looking into this, for not knowing this information. I think it’s hard to realize what goes on when TV ads are urging people to drink milk and to eat JELL-O.

I now feel so good about myself. I am in better health, and I’m happy knowing that I don’t contribute to the murdering of animals. With all the animal products I was consuming before, you’d better believe that the meat and dairy industry has taken a big hit!!

Thank you, PETA, and everyone involved in this amazing, eye-opening organization!!


(4)田纳西州,Rebekah Bowen



  惭愧的回到家后,我感觉自己像是个世上最可憎的人,我进入房子,然后坐在沙发上沉思,….,我是怎样的一个人呢,我想成为一个什么样的人呢?我自言自语的说,我怎能支持这种残酷对待其他生命的行为呢?我决定是我结束我罪恶行为,并且从新开始的时候。我接着上网看能否找到与素食主张相关的资讯,我发现PETA「你吃的是什么样的肉(Meet Your Meat)」的录影带。看完影片后,我哭了一整天。


  Meet Your Meet:http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs.asp?video=mym2002

Rebekah Bowen, Tennessee
After always feeling guilty about eating meat throughout my life, ever since I was a small child, I saw something that made me want to stop eating animal flesh for good.

One cloudy afternoon in May 2003, I was driving down I-24 going toward Antioch, Tennessee, when I noticed that I was driving behind a giant truck with a bunch of white things flying out of the sides. For a second or two it almost looked like it was snowing, but then, when I drove up by the left side of the big truck, I figured out what was going on.

The white things were feathers, and they were coming off of the few hundred, live, uncomfortable-looking chickens that were stuffed in crates on top of one another. Sadly, those poor little animals were about to be slaughtered. They all looked at me with their pitiful eyes as if they were trying to say, “What did we do to deserve this, and why are you letting this happen to us?”

After driving home shamefully and feeling like the most horrible person who ever lived, I went into the house, sat down on my couch, and contemplated … what kind of person I was and what kind of person I wanted to be. I thought to myself, “How could I support this kind of cruelty toward another living creature?” I decided that it was time to end my evil ways and start over. I then got on my computer to see if I could find any useful information on vegetarianism, and I came across PETA’s “Meet Your Meat” video. After seeing that footage, I cried for the rest of the day.

I haven’t eaten another animal since then and never will again.
(5)宾西法尼亚州,Jill Linta

Jill Linta, Pennsylvania
I hadn’t eaten red meat for years but had still not gone completely vegetarian. On Labor Day 1997, I took part in a protest against pigeon shoots in Hegins, Pennsylvania. It was one of the worst days of my life. The “audience” was made up of [locals], who cheered in delight when a bird was shot but not killed. That meant that one of the children, about 10 to 12 years old, had to run out to the field and snap its neck. Our job as protesters was to run onto the field and grab the injured birds before the little boys did and take them to a veterinary trailer to be healed. Several men, probably intoxicated, threatened to hurt me and my sister. Many had rifles. Driving home that day, I decided that if I was willing to risk my life to save pigeons, it didn’t make sense to eat any other birds. I have been a vegetarian ever since.






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